
Monitoring of Heart Rhythm

Continuous assessment of heart rhythm over 24-48hrs.

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What is Monitoring of heart rhythm?

Electrodes will be attached to your chest and connected to a monitoring box. You will wear this continuously (apart from during showering/bathing/contact sports activities) for 24-48hrs typically, occasionally longer. The device is compact and quite light and can easily be worn under most clothing.

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Why would you need monitoring of heart rhythm?

Patients with palpitations (awareness of heart beating fast/flutters) often require a period of monitoring to determine if there is a treatable cause of heart rhythm disturbance.

Frequently asked questions

The device stores your heart rhythm data and our team will then analyse the recording. Dr Shand will arrange to review you with the results and advise on treatment or further investigation if required.

Yes. However, we request that you remove the device for showering/bathing and re-attach after. Re-attachment is easy and will be explained to you when you attend for monitor fitting. In some circumstances we may ask you to attach the device yourself at home. An information/education leaflet for self-attachment will be supplied.

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Registered Provider

VHI healthcare registered Cardiologist Dublin
Irish life registered cardiologist
Laya Healthcare registered provider

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